Guide Vibes

Tune In, Connect, and Thrive with Your Guides

About this program

Unlock your Spirit Guide connection under the guidance of your fave Psychic Coach...and have fun doing it!

September 23, 24, 25

4:00 - 5:30 PM Eastern

over Zoom

You’re ready to meet your Spirit Guides and we’re ready to help you get there. Don’t you just love a good synchronicity? 

In this 3-day live series, you'll learn how to tap into the energy of your guides, discover who they are, and ask them those big life questions—like "What's my purpose?" or "Where am I headed?" You might even get to see what they look like (no spooky energy here, just good vibes)!

Led by a psychic coach who's helped thousands make that magical connection, these workshops are packed with her tried-and-true techniques. If you’ve ever thought, “I just can’t connect on my own 😭 !”—friend, you’re in the right place. We’re breaking it down, making it easy, and most importantly, keeping it fun, duh.

Register for all three workshops and not only do you get a sweet, sweet discount, but you’ll also get access to an exclusive group chat. Just you, your magical cohort, and Sam. Yup, you’ll have the coach on speed dial (well, kind of) to guide you and cheer you on between sessions. Prefer to go solo? No problem—sign up for any individual workshop that speaks to you!

You’ve been asking for this connection and now a chance is here. This is your moment to start the magic!

For the absolute best experience, take the on-demand Spirit Guide Course (free with promo code FREESPIRITGUIDE) before the workshops begin. This 5-day course will set you up nice and pretty to connect with your guides in a fast and powerful way. Your future self will thank you.

Are you ready to...

  • Unlock the connection
  • Learn how to ask questions that get answers
  • Play with the energy under the guidance of a psychic coach
  • Use the energetic power of a small group
  • Freely ask Sam questions as we practice our new skills
  • Build upon the energy each day while expanding your consciousness

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Day 1: It’s Meet & Greet Time, Baby!

  • We’ll cover meditation basics (yes, it’s okay if your thoughts wander) and dive right into connecting with your guides. Expect nothing—get everything.
  • The theme: "Show me unconditional love" ❤️ (Trust me, it’s a game changer.)
  • We’ll play around in breakout rooms and figure out how many guides are hanging out with you right now.
  • Oh, and guess what? It’s all about having fun! No pressure, no stress. 🙌

Day 2: Let’s Heal & Get Real

  • Time to ground, center, and dive deep. We’ll explore where you can heal and where you’ve already nailed it (you’re doing better than you think, friend).
  • Big question of the day: What’s your life purpose? No biggie, right? 😉
  • Breakout rooms, sharing, and good vibes all around. Plus, some questions answered. 💫

Day 3: Spirit Guide Fashion Show

  • Okay, not exactly, but today’s the day you see what your guides actually look like. We’ll explore your sacred space together (semi-circle seating and all).
  • Hawt topic: Are you surrounded by guardians? Do you have a guide with really cool hair? Let’s find out! 😎
  • We’ll also figure out where your energy can be best focused right now.

Here's what you get with the whole bundle...

  • Seat secured for all 3 days
  • Discounted price for booking all 3
  • Group chat support before, during, and a few days after
    • A new community to vibe with your new, like-minded spiritual friends
    • Full access to Sam for questions, guidance, and personal cheerleading status [woot, woot]
  • Lifetime access to the Spiritual Buddies Group chat post workshops
    • A larger community of magical friends who chat daily about all the weird and spiritual
    • Plus, they're pretty cool and supportive

Or you can go a la carte!

  • Book individual days at $66 each
  • Flexibility to match your schedule
    • Just show up on your chosen date
  • Book any number of days you'd like
    • You can book 1, 2, or even 3 days

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Workshop Details


20 people per workshop

Booking will close once all seats are reserved



✨ Discounted Price for Booking All 3

✨ Private Group Chat for Support

✨ Lifetime Access to the

    Spiritual Buddies Group Chat


Sep 23, 2024
Sep 25, 2024

4:00 - 5:30 PM Eastern

The workshops are live and not recorded as the purpose of them is to be actively guided to connect while Sam is reading your energy and tapping into your guides.


for the bundle
for Sept 23 only
This one!
for Sept 24 only
This one!
for Sept 25 only
This one!
You've got this already. ;)
for Sept 25 only
Go to Course