Learn the full woo side of current events and the corresponding energy. This is not for the casual listener.
By attending (live or on demand), you assume full responsibility for how you receive and process the information presented at this event.
During this event, Sam reveals the downloads received but not yet shared with the public around the 2024 US Presidential election, the energy ripples since, and related events of human history that led us here today. The focus is on the shifting of energy and the movement toward a 5th density Earth.
All information was downloaded from Sam's Spirit Guides and/or a small Arcurtian collective. While all information shared at this event is fully removed from ego and verified through many sources, it is always crucial to use your own discernment. Take what resonates. Let the rest marinate until you decide if it's time to shift a belief for expanding your consciousness or if it simply does not fit for you.
Select questions from the event chat were answered on the Live call.
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