What does it mean when you wake up at the same time every night?

If you’re normally a 5 star sleeper, a champion of Dreamland, but you keep waking up at the same time, it’s likely your spirit side showing you the part of you that needs a little rebalancing during your conscious hours.

To the Chakras!

I highly recommend this chart here. She’s a beaut and I use her on the reg. The front side lists all the chakras and what blocks/strengths correspond. The back reminds me of that time your math teacher said you could put as much info on an index card as you liked and you just JAM packed that thing like the tenacious genius you are. This side goes way in depth on each chakra and all the elements that align with them. It’s wild how much info is there.

The Time Matters

Anyway, if you find yourself loving to wake up in the 1 am hour, that’s related to the first chakra, aka the Root Chakra. This one is all about your physical and abundance needs, safety, groundedness, and actions you take. But if you find yourself waking up in the 4 am hour, that’s your Heart Chakra, babes. Your spirit is telling you it’s time to balance your feeling of harmony, trust and lovingness, or even your ability to be open to others, to be able to receive without giving or to be able to give without receiving. It’s all about the balance.

Match & Intuit

Find the corresponding numbered chakra to match the time you keep leaving Dreamland. As with all things, when reading the chart to figure out where the balance is needed, take what resonates and leave the rest. Not all parts of that chakra will always be out of balance. Your intuition will tell you which parts could use some attention. 

Find Your Place

The time of the hour can also be significant to where you are on this path to balance. The earlier in that hour you wake, the earlier you are on this side quest. The later you wake up in that hour, the closer you are to fully balancing that particular chakra. 

So Many Options

Balancing chakras can be done in a variety of ways. You can heal those parts of you that remain in the shadows, balance with reiki, explore these parts of you in meditation, and so much more.. Whichever way feels best is the best way for you at the time. Don’t be afraid to try out different modalities. You may be surprised at what you discover.