How Do You Get Better Sleep?

If your nighttime sleep is chaotic and lacking, there are some super easy fixes you can choose to right that ship right back to Dreamland. (Speaking of dreams, we can remember those, too.)

Have a Bedtime

Now before you freak out, this is YOUR bedtime. You get to choose whatever sexy time you want it to be. No one is forcing you to do this. But it is a crucial piece to the nightime slumbers. You choose whatever time you want but always at the same time if you want to change up your flow.

Start Your Ritual

About 30-45 mins before that bedtime, start your ritual. This is the fun part. It can be anything you want but it must be the same because that tells your body it’s time to wind down, releasing the sleep hormones easing you into calm and relaxation.

No Phones!

Once you’re in bed, no technology. I know. Womp womp.  Phone should be either away or upside down on a bedside table. Never in the bed and never face up. It will fight against everything you’re trying to do here.


Once in bed, read or meditate. This shouldn’t be your normal daily meditation, but instead one that helps you fully relax for sleep. You can set intentions here for remembering your dreams if you’d like.

What If I Wake Up?

If you wake up in the middle of the night, don’t touch the phone or turn on the light. That’s telling your body that nighttime is over. Just close your eyes and tell yourself how easy it is to fall back asleep. Then do some slow, deep breathing until you do.

Our bodies need solid, unbroken sleep to properly function. Otherwise, it’s just a nap! And that will leave you feeling tired and chaotic the next day. Gross.

In The Morning

Once awake in the morning, stay awake. No napping during this transition because that will make it harder to go back to sleep at night. You’re going to want to nap. I know. I’ve been there. If you go to bed, it’s for the night so hold off as long as you can. It’s so much better to hit the hay much earlier than you normally do while you transition if it avoids a nap. Remember, we’re working WITH our body. You’re a team. Two peas in a sleepy pod.

It’s also important to wake up around the same time each day (within 30 to 60 minutes). This sets your circadian rhythm which will help you STAY asleep at night. Even if it’s hard. Just drag our zombie body out of that bed and do something to show your body it’s time to stay awake— like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. Having a cute little morning ritual can really drive this point home, making the whole process feel natural and easy. I have a cup of tea every morning and while I’m sure this pleases my British ancestors, it’s really telling my body it’s time to shake off the night and ease into the day.

Put the Coffee Down

Here’s a big one: no caffeine in the last 5.5 hours before bedtime. This will make it impossible for your body to release the nighttime hormones. I know that number sounds so made up. And while everything in this reality is made up, it does have a reason: caffeine has a half life of 5.5 hours. This means it takes 5.5 hours for there to be a small enough amount circulating in your system for you to stop feeling all jazzed. (Insert jazz hands here.)

And That Late Night Snack

This one here might be a new idea: no food the last two hours before bedtime. (Water and zero caffeine tea are totally fine.) Eating tells your body we need energy for several hours worth of activity so it won’t release the nighttime hormones. Food is fuel, no matter how delicious. You don’t want to fully charge that battery and then expect your body to be ready to hibernate. I mean, you can. But it’s not going to go great.

Once you’ve done this every day for 21 days, you’ve formed a new habit and it becomes easy and exciting to wind down for the night. If you miss a day, you just start over. It’s not a big deal. Be kind to yourself when forming new habits. Just know it doesn’t feel fully easy until 21 days have been completed.

This will literally change your life and you will be SO grateful you made these small changes. Let’s put that nighttime chaos gremlin to bed once and for all so you can stop being so tired of feeling so tired.

Ritual Examples

  • Turn down the lights
  • Make a cup of (non-caff) tea
  • Wash your face
  • Shower
  • Read
  • Slow yoga
  • Stretch

It can be any combo of things that feels like you’re winding down. Choosing the same 2-3ish and doing them in the same order every night will lay a solid foundation for your sleep cycle success. Again, this helps your body know to release those hormones.

After 21 Days

  • If you find yourself consistently waking up before your alarm, feeling refreshed, you could shorten your sleep a bit.
  • If you find yourself consistently waking up tired even though you’ve slept through the night, you need more sleep.
  • Adjust by 30 mins until you find the sweet spot.
  • If you find yourself consistently waking up in the middle of the night, you need to help your body get into the rhythm because it’s been very off. You can do this with blue lotus tea 15 mins before bed or light meditation with slow, deep breathing before getting into the bed.

Helpful Links

Here’s the tea I use (PS this also helps with lucid dreaming):

Blue Lotus Tea!

I don’t make any commissions off this tea. I just really believe in the products of this company and use them myself.